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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.317
Name: Lightwave 3D software for Toaster mailing list
Description: Discussion forum for users of Lightwave, the Video
Toaster modelling and rendering package
Platforms: Amiga
Subscription: lightwave-request@bobsbox.rent.com
with "subscribe lightwave-l" in your message
Posting: lightwave@bobsbox.rent.com
Name: POV mailing list
Description: Discussion forum for DKBTrace and POV renderers
Platforms: Unix
Subscription: listserv@trearn.bitnet
Posting: dkb-l@trearn.bitnet
Name: Mailing List For Massive Parallel Rendering
Description: same?
Platforms: Unix
Subscription: mp-render-request@icase.edu
Posting: mp-render@icase.edu
20) Specific references on file formats
Graphics File Formats, David Kay and John Levine, Windcrest/McGraw-Hill
1992, ISBN 0-8306-3059-7 paper, ISBN 0-8306-3060-0 $36.95 hardcover,
ISBN 0-8306-3059-7 $24.95 paper. Comments - 26 formats, no software
(this is good, IMHO - I prefer books which are non-platform-dependent).
Questions about this book may be sent to gbook@iecc.cambridge.ma.us.
21) What about GIF?
GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format. It is portable and usable upon
a wide variety of platforms. It is quite limited in some ways (yes, the
keeper of the FAQ has some opinions after all), and in fact, I don't like
it much. However, it looks to me like the most-Frequently Asked Question
which was not previously covered in this list. The following is a list
of newsgroups and the like where one could go to find out about GIF.
Subject: alt.binaries.pictures FAQ - General info
Subject: alt.binaries.pictures FAQ - OS specific info
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.pictures.d,alt.binaries.pictures.misc,
Available in the indicated USENET newsgroup(s), or via anonymous ftp from
pit-manager.mit.edu ( in the files:
Also available from mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu by sending a mail
message containing any or all of:
send usenet/news.answers/pictures-faq/part1
send usenet/news.answers/pictures-faq/part2
Send a message containing "help" to get general information about the
mail server.
Also, you could check out the resources described in sections 7, 8, and
20 above for more information.
22) What is morphing?
Warping is the deformation of an image by mapping each pixel to a new
location. Morphing is blending from one image or object to another one.
Valerie Hall has written an excellent introduction to warping and
morphing. This is available for anonymous ftp from marsh.cs.curtin.edu.au
in the directory pub/graphics/bibliography/Morph. There are three files:
morph_intro.ps.Z (PostScript version, many pictures - 1.5M)
morph_intro.txt.Z (text version)
m_responses.Z (Responses to morphing questions)
The files are compressed, so you must use binary transfer and
uncompress them afterwards.
23) How to ray-trace height fields
Height fields are a special case in ray-tracing. They have a number of uses,
such as terrain rendering, and some optimization is possible. Thus, they
get their own FAQ section. Note that further references can no doubt be
located via the ray-tracing bibs in section 16 above.
The following paper seems to be the definitive reference:
F. Kenton Musgrave
Grid Tracing: Fast Ray Tracing For Height Fields
July, 1988
This is available as "Research Report YALEU/DCS/RR-639" from Yale University,
it's also in the SIGGRAPH '91 Fractal Modeling in 3D Computer Graphics and
Imaging course notes, and (best of all) it's available on the net:
nic.funet.fi pub/sci/papers/musg88.ps.Z
weedeater.math.yale.edu pub/Papers/musg88.ms.Z
princeton.edu pub/Graphics/Papers/musg88.ms.Z
coral.cs.jcu.edu.au graphics/papers/musg88.ps.Z
gondwana.ecr.mu.OZ.AU pub/papers/musg88.ms.Z and musg88.ps.Z
An implementation of this paper may be found in Rayshade.
Another paper exists:
%A David W. Paglieroni
%A Sidney M. Petersen
%T Parametric Height Field Ray Tracing
%J Proceedings of Graphics Interface '92
%I Canadian Information Processing Society
%C Toronto, Ontario
%D May 1992
%P 192-200
And still one more:
Musgrave, Kolb, and Mace
"The Synthesis and Rendering of Eroded Fractal Terrains",
Computer Graphics Vol 23, No. 3 (SIGGRAPH '89 procedings) p. 41-50
24) How to find the area of a 3D polygon
The area of a triangle is given by (in C notation),
area = 0.5 * ( ( x[0] * y[1] ) + ( x[1] * y[2] ) + ( x[2] * y[0] ) -
( x[1] * y[0] ) - ( x[2] * y[1] ) - ( x[0] * y[2] ) );
and the area of a planar polygon is given by
area = 0.0;
for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ )
area += ( x[i] * y[i + 1] ) - ( x[i + 1] * y[i] );
area += ( x[n - 1] * y[0] ) - ( x[0] * y[n - 1] );
area /= 2.0;
If the area is a negative number, the polygon or triangle is
clockwise, if positive, it is counterclockwise.
>From Ronald Golman's Gem (in Graphics Gems II - see section 1 above), "Area
of Planar Polygons and Volume of Polyhedra:"
The area of a polygon P0, P1, P2, ... Pn, not in the x-y plane, is
given by
Area(Polygon) = 1/2 * | N . Sigma { Pk x Pk+1 } |
where N is the unit vector normal to the plane and P is a polygonal
vertex. The . represents the dot product operator and the x
represents the cross product operator. Sigma represents the summation
operator. | | represents the absolute value operator. Pn+1 is equal
to P0.
25) How to join ACM/SIGGRAPH
Probably the easiest way to join ACM/SIGGRAPH is to trot over to your
local technical library and find a copy of Communications of the ACM.
Somewhere within the first few pages will be an application blank.
Fill it out and mail it in. ACM membership for students costs $23.00,
Voting or Associate Membership $77.00 (yearly)
SIGGRAPH student membership costs an additional $16.00, $26.00 for
Voting or Associate Members (also yearly). To get TOG (Transactions
on Graphics) it's another $26.00 for students and $31.00 for Voting or
Associate Members.
If you just want to join SIGGRAPH without joining ACM, it'll cost you
$59.00 (no student discount).
There are surcharges for overseas airmailing of publications.
ACM Member services may be contacted via email at acmhelp@acmvm.bitnet.
Their phone number is (212) 626-0500. FAX number (212) 944-1318.
Snailmail address:
PO Box 12114
Church Street Station
New York, New York 10257
SIGGRAPH `93 will be held in Anaheim, California, at the Anaheim
Convention Center (just up the street from Disneyland) on August 1-6, 1993.
26) Where can I find MRI and CR scan volume data?
Volume data sets are available from the University of North Carolina at
omicron.cs.unc.edu ( in /pub/softlab/CHVRTD. (Commerical
use is prohibited.)
Head data - A 109-slice MRI data set of a human head.
Knee data - A 127-slice MRI data set of a human knee.
HIPIP data - The result of a quantum mechanical calculation of a SOD data
of a one-electron orbital of HIPIP, an iron protein.
SOD data - An electron density map of the active site of SOD (superoxide
CT Cadaver Head data - A 113-slice MRI data set of a CT study of a cadaver
MR Brain data - A 109-slice MRI data set of a head with skull partially
removed to reveal brain.
RNA data - An electron density map for Staphylococcus Aureus Ribonuclease.
27) Specific references on spatial data structures
H. Samet,
The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1990.
ISBN 0-201-50255-0.
H. Samet,
Applications of Spatial Data Structures: Computer Graphics, Image Processing, a
nd GIS,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1990.
ISBN 0-201-50300-0.
John T. Grieggs (Telos @ Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, Ca. 91109 M/S 525-3660 (818) 306-6506
Uucp: {cit-vax,elroy,chas2}!jpl-devvax!grieggs
Arpa: ...jpl-devvax!grieggs@cit-vax.ARPA
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.graphics:31801 news.answers:3598
Newsgroups: comp.graphics,news.answers
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!ira.uka.de!news.belwue.de!math.fu-berlin.de!news.netmbx.de!Germany.EU.net!mcsun!pythia.csi.forth.gr!ntua.gr!theseas!nfotis
From: nfotis@ntua.gr (Nick C. Fotis)
Subject: (15 Oct 92) Computer Graphics Resource Listing : WEEKLY [part 1/2]
Message-ID: <nfotis.719061367@theseas>
Followup-To: poster
Lines: 1573
Reply-To: nfotis@theseas.ntua.gr (Nick (Nikolaos) Fotis)
Organization: National Technical Univ. of Athens
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1992 11:16:07 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Archive-name: graphics/resources-list/part1
Last-modified: 1992/10/15
Computer Graphics Resource Listing : WEEKLY POSTING [ PART 1/2 ]
Last Change : 15 Octomber 1992
Items Changed:
5. Ray-tracing/graphics-related mailing lists
Lines which got changed, have the `#' character in front of them.
Added lines are prepended with a `+'
Removed lines are just removed. Use 'diff' to locate these changes.
This text is (C)Copyright 1992 of Nikolaos C. Fotis. You can copy
freely this file, provided you keep this copyright notice intact.
Compiled by Nikolaos (Nick) C. Fotis, e-mail: nfotis@theseas.ntua.gr
Please contact me for updates,corrections, etc.
Disclaimer: I do not guarantee the accuracy of this document.
Use it at your own risk.
This is mainly a guide for computer graphics software.
I would suggest reading the Comp. Graphics FAQ for image analysis stuff.
It's entitled:
(date) comp.graphics Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
John T. Grieggs <grieggs@jpl-devvax.jpl.nasa.gov> is the poster of the
official comp.graphics FAQ
I have included my comments within braces '[' and ']'.
Nikolaos Fotis
Contents of the Resource Listing
0. Places to find the Resource Listing
2. Notes
3. Computer graphics FTP site list, by Eric Haines
4. Mail servers and graphics-oriented BBSes
5. Ray-tracing/graphics-related mailing lists.
6. Public domain and cheap 3D graphics editors
7. Scene description languages
8. Solids description formats
9. Scene generators/geographical data/Maps/Data files
10. 3D scanners.
11. Background imagery/textures/datafiles
12. Introduction to rendering algorithms
a. Ray tracing
b. Z-buffer (depth-buffer)
c. Others
13. Where can I find the geometric data for the:
a. Teapot ?
b. Space Shuttle ?
14. Plotting packages
15. Image analysis software - Image processing and display
16. Image annotation software
17. Scientific visualization stuff
18. Molecular visualization stuff
19. GIS (Geographical Information Systems software)
Future additions:
[Please send me updates/info!]
This file is crossposted to comp.graphics and news.answers, so If you
can't locate it in comp.graphics, you're advised to search in news.answers
(The latter group usually is archived in your site. Contact your sysadmin
for more info).
These 2 articles are posted to comp.graphics 3-4 times a month and are kept in
the FTP sites listed below (1 times/month I update these copies)
cgcr.gsu.edu, tmp/graphics-resource-list.Z
nic.funet.fi, pub/graphics/misc/graphics-resource-list.Z
weedeater.math.yale.edu, incoming/graphics-resource-list.Z
gondwana.ecr.mu.oz.au, /incoming/graphics-resource-list.Z
The inria-graphlib mail server mirrors this posting (see under the
Subject 4: Mail servers )
The Resource Listing is accesible through WAIS in the machine
enuxva.eas.asu.edu (port 8000) under the name graphics-resources-list.
It's got a digest-type line before every numbered item for purposes of
Another place that monitors the Listing is the MaasInfo files.
For more info contact Robert E. Maas <rem@btr.com>
Yet another place to search for FAQs in general is the SWITCH
(Swiss Academic and Research Network) system in Switzerland:
telnet nic.switch.ch [], login as "info". Move to the
info_service/Usenet/periodic-postings directory. Search in the
00index file by typing "/" and the word to look for.
You may then just read the FAQ in the "faqs" directory, or decide
to fetch it by one of the following methods.
ftp: login to nic.switch.ch [] as user anonymous and
enter your internet-style address after being prompted for a
cd info_service/Usenet/periodic-postings
mail: send e-mail to
Enter 'help' in the bodypart to receive instructions. No information
is required in the subject header line.
The Archie is a service system to locate FTP places for
requested files. It's appreciated that you will use Archie
before asking help in the newsgroups.
Archie servers:
archie.mcgill.ca or (Canada)
archie.funet.fi or (Finland/Eur.)
archie.au or (Aussie/NZ)
cs.huji.ac.il or (Israel)
archie.doc.ic.ac.uk or (UK/Ireland)
archie.sura.net or (USA [MD])
archie.unl.edu (password: archie1) (USA [NE])
archie.ans.net or (USA [NY])
archie.rutgers.edu or (USA [NJ])
Connect to Archie server with telnet and type "archie" as username.
To get help type 'help'.
You can get 'xarchie' or 'archie', which are clients that call Archie
without the burden of a telnet session.
'Xarchie' is on the X11.R5 contrib tape, and 'archie' on comp.sources.misc,
vol. 27.
To get information on how to use Archie via e-mail, send mail with
subject "help" to "archie" account at any of above sites.
(Note to Janet/PSS users -- the United Kingdom archie site is
accessible on the Janet host doc.ic.ac.uk [000005102000].
Connect to it and specify "archie" as the host name and "archie" as
the username.)
2. Notes
(Excerpted from the FAQ article)
Please do *not* post or mail messages saying "I can't FTP, could
someone mail this to me?" There are a number of automated mail servers
that will send you things like this in response to a message.
There are a number of sites that archive the Usenet sources newsgroups
and make them available via an email query system. You send a message
to an automated server saying something like "send comp.sources.unix/fbm",
and a few hours or days later you get the file in the mail.
3. Computer graphics FTP site list, by Eric Haines
Ray Tracing related FTP sites (and maintainers), 10/3/92
compiled by Eric Haines, erich@eye.com
with help from Nick Fotis, nfotis@theseas.ntua.gr
Some highlights:
RayShade - a great ray tracer for workstations on up, but you can find
a PC version, which requires FPU, plus Mac and Amiga versions.
DKBtrace - another good ray tracer, from all reports; PCs, Mac II,
Amiga, UNIX, VMS (last two with X11 previewer), etc.
ART - ray tracer with a good range of surface types, part of VORT package.
PoV - son of DKB trace, written by Compuservers. FTP places below
(For more questions call Drew Wells --
73767.1244@compuserve.com or Dave Buck -- david_buck@carleton.ca)
MTV,QRT,DBW - yet more ray tracers, some with interesting features.
prt, VM_pRAY - parallel ray tracers.
RTrace - Portugese ray tracer, does bicubic patches and other interesting stuff
In the current version (8) there's also CSG support, 3D text, etc.etc.
An MS-DOS version for use with DJGPP DOS extender (GO32) exists also,
as a Mac port.
VIVID2 - A shareware raytracer for PCs - binary only
Now it's on version 2, packaged under the name vivid2.zip
(286/287 binaries). Author: Stephen Coy (coy@ssc-vax.boeing.com).
The 386/387 (NO src!) version is available to registered users (US$50)
direct from the author.
RAY4 - Steve Hollasch's 4-dimensional ray tracer - renders hyperspheres,
hypertetrahedra, hyperplanes, and hyperparallelepipeds (and there's
a separate real-time wireframe viewer written in GL - WIRE4 ) .
XDART - A distributed ray-tracer that runs under X11. There are server binaries
ONLY for DECstations, SPARCs, HP Snakes (7x0 series) and NeXT.
The clients are distributed as binaries and C source.
Inetray - A network version of Rayshade 4.0. Needs Sun RPC 4.0 or newer.
Contact Andreas Thurnherr (ant@ips.id.ethz.ch) - FTP place below
SIPP - Scan line z-buffer and Phong shading renderer.
Now uses the shadow buffer algorithm.
VOGLE - graphics learning environment (device portable).
VOGL - an SGI GL-like library based on VOGLE.
REND386 - A *fast* polygon renderer for Intel 386s and up. Version 2 on up.
[ It's *NOT* a photorealistic, but a real-time renderer!]
VREND - Cornell's Volume Renderer, from Kartch/Devine/Caffey/Warren (FORTRAN).
Radiance - a ray tracer w/radiosity effects, a la Greg Ward (who wrote it).
[ practically, demands UNIX, but some crazy people ported it
to at least the Amiga -- nfotis ]
INDIA - An Indian radiosity package based on Radiance.
SGI_RAD - An interactive radiosity package that runs on SGI machines with a
Spaceball. Author: Guy Moreillon <moreillo@ligsg1.epfl.ch>
RAD - a simple public-domain radiosity package in C. The solution can be run
stand-alone on any Unix box, but the walk-through requires a SGI 4D.
Author: Bernard Kwok <g-kwok@cs.yorku.ca>
VISION-3D - Mac modeler, can output Radiance & Rayshade files.
IRIT - A CSG solid modeler, with support for freeform surfaces.
X3D - A wireframe viewer for X11.
SALEM - A GL-based package from Dobkin et al. for exploring mathematical
GEOMVIEW - A GL-based package for looking and interactively manipulating
3D objects, from Geometry Center at Minnesota.
3DV - 3-D wireframe graphics toolkit, with C source, 3dv objects, other stuff
Look at major PC archives like wuarchive. One such file is 3DKIT1.ZIP
XYZ GeoBench -(eXperimental geometrY Zurich) is a workbench for geometric
computation for Macintosh computers.
SPD - a set of procedural databases for testing ray tracers.
NFF - simplistic file format used by SPD.
OFF - another file format.
P3D - a lispy file format.
TDDD - Imagine (3D modeler) format, has converters for RayShade, NFF, OFF, etc.
Also includes a nice postscript object displayer. Some GREAT models.
TTDDDLIB - converts to/from TDDD/TTDDD, OFF, NFF, Rayshade 4.0, Imagine
and vort 3d objects. Also outputs Framemaker MIF files and isometric
views in Postscript. If you register (for $25), you get (besides other)
a TeX PK font converter and a superquadric surfaces generator.
Ask Glenn Lewis <glewis@pcocd2.intel.com>
[ Note : you can spell TTDDDLIB as T3DLIB also ]
RT News - collections of articles on ray tracing.
RT bib - all known (by me) articles on ray tracing, in "refer" format.
RT abstracts - collection of abstracts of many many RT articles.
Utah Raster Toolkit - nice image manipulation tools.
PBMPLUS - a great package for image conversion and manipulation.
FBM - another set of image manipulation tools.
Graphics Gems I-II-III - code from the ever so useful books.
(*) means site is an "official" distributor, so is most up to date.
NORTH AMERICA (please look for things on your own continent first...):
princeton.edu []: /pub/Graphics - *Rayshade 4.0 ray tracer (and
separate 387 executable)*, *color quantization code*, *SPD*, *RT
News*, *Wilson's RT abstracts*, "RT bib*, *new Utah raster toolkit*,
newer FBM, *Graphics Gems I, II & III code*.
Craig Kolb <cek@princeton.edu>
[replaces weedeater.math.yale.edu - note the capital "G" in
There's also the /pub/graphics directory - *SALEM* and other stuff
Because there's a trouble with princeton's incoming area, you can
upload Rayshade-specific stuff to weedeater []
hobbes.lbl.gov []: *Radiance* ray trace/radiosity package. Greg Ward
wuarchive.wustl.edu []: /graphics/graphics/objects/TDDD - *the
TDDD objects and converters*, /mirrors/unix-c/graphics - Rayshade ray
tracer, MTV ray tracer, Vort ray tracer, FBM, PBMPLUS, popi, Utah
raster toolkit. /mirrors/msdos/graphics - DKB ray tracer, FLI
RayTracker demos. /graphics/graphics/radiosity - Radiance and *INDIA*
radiosity package. /archive/graphics/graphics - George Kyriazis'
stuff, including bibs, Graphics Gems I & II code, TDDD, OFF, RTN,
Radiance, NFF, SIPP, Geometry Center stuff, etc etc.
George Kyriazis <kyriazis@rdrc.rpi.edu>
geom.umn.edu [] : pub/geomview - *GEOMVIEW*
Contact (for GEOMVIEW): software@geom.umn.edu
ftp.kpc.com [] : /pub/graphics/holl91 - Steve Hollasch's
Thesis (?), /pub/graphics/ray4 - *RAY4*, /pub/graphics/wire4 -
swedishchef.lerc.nasa.gov [] : programs/hollasch-4d - RAY4
SGI Explorer modules and Postscript manual, etc.
zamenhof.cs.rice.edu [] : pub/graphics.formats - Various electronic
documents about many object and image formats.
ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu [] : misc/file.formats/graphics.formats -
A directory that contains various image- and object-format
Many SciVi tools in various directories. Some are listed here:
SGI/Alpha-shape/Alvis-1.0.tar.Z - 3D alpha-shape visualizer (only
for SGI machines)
SGI/Polyview3.0/polyview.Z - interactive visualization and analysis
of 3D geometrical structures
rascal.ics.utexas.edu []: /misc/mac/inqueue - VISION-3D facet
based modeller, can output RayShade and Radiance files.
alfred.ccs.carleton.ca []: /pub/dkbtrace - *DKB ray tracer*,
/pub/pov-ray/POV-Ray1.0 - *PVRay Compuserve group ray tracer (or PoV)*.
David Buck <david_buck@carleton.ca>
ftp.ipl.rpi.edu []: sigma/erich - SPD images and Haines thesis
images. pub/images - various 24 and 8 bit image stills and sequences.
Kevin Martin <sigma@ipl.rpi.edu>
ftp.psc.edu []: pub/p3d - p3d_2_0.tar P3D lispy scene
language & renderers. Joel Welling <welling@seurat.psc.edu>
ftp.ee.lbl.gov []: *pbmplus.tar.Z*, RayShade data files. Jef
Poskanzer <jef@ace.ee.lbl.gov>
george.lbl.gov []: pub/ccs-lib/ccs.tar.Z - *CCS (Complex
Conversion System), a standard software interface for image processing*
hanauma.stanford.edu []: /pub/graphics/Comp.graphics - best of
comp.graphics (very extensive), ray-tracers - DBW, MTV, QRT, and more.
Joe Dellinger <joe@hanauma.stanford.edu>
freedom.graphics.cornell.edu []: *RT News back issues*, *source
code from Roy Hall's book "Illumination and Color in Computer
Generated Imagery"*, SPD package, *Heckbert/Haines ray tracing article
bibliography*, Muuss timing papers.
ftp.uu.net []: /graphics - *IRIT*, RT News back issues (not
complete), NURBS models, other graphics related material.
life.pawl.rpi.edu []: /pub/ray - *Kyriazis stochastic Ray Tracer*.
George Kyriazis <kyriazis@turing.cs.rpi.edu>
freebie.engin.umich.edu []: *Utah Raster Toolkit*, Spencer Thomas
<thomas@eecs.umich.edu> or Rod Bogart <rgb@caen.engin.umich.edu>.
cs.utah.edu []: /pub - Utah raster toolkit, *NURBS databases*.
Jamie Painter <jamie@cs.utah.edu>
gatekeeper.dec.com []: /pub/DEC/off.tar.Z - *OFF models*,
/pub/misc/graf-bib - *graphics bibliographies (incomplete)*.
[ The bibliography is so incomplete that was suspended! ]
Also GPC Benchmark files (planned, but not checked).
Randi Rost <rost@kpc.com>
hubcap.clemson.edu []: /pub/amiga/incoming/imagine - stuff for the
Amiga Imagine & Turbo Silver ray tracers.
/pub/amiga/TTDDDLIB - *TTDDDLIB*
/pub/amiga/incoming/imagine/objects - MANY objects
Glenn Lewis <glewis@pcocd2.intel.com>
pprg.eece.unm.edu []: /pub/khoros - *Khoros image processing
package (huge, but great)*. Danielle Argiro
expo.lcs.mit.edu []: contrib - *PBMPLUS portable bitmap
package*, *poskbitmaptars bitmap collection*, *Raveling Img*,
xloadimage. Jef Poskanzer <jef@well.sf.ca.us>
venera.isi.edu []: */pub/Img.tar.z and img.tar.z - some image
manipulation*, /pub/images - RGB separation photos. Paul Raveling
ucsd.edu []: /graphics - utah rle toolkit, pbmplus, fbm,
databases, MTV, DBW and other ray tracers, world map, other stuff.
Not updated much recently.
#castlab.engr.wisc.edu []: /pub/x3d.2.2.tar.Z - *X3D*
/pub/xdart.1.1.* - *XDART*
Mark Spychalla (spy@castlab.engr.wisc.edu)
sgi.com []: /graphics/tiff - TIFF 6.0 spec & LIBTIFF software
and pics. Sam Leffler <sam@sgi.com>
[Supercedes okeeffe.berkeley.edu]
surya.waterloo.edu []: /graphics - FBM, ray tracers
ftp.brl.mil []: /brl-cad - information on how to get the
BRL CAD package & ray tracer. /images - various test images.
karazm.math.uh.edu []: pub/Graphics/rtabs.shar.12.90.Z - *Wilson's
RT abstracts*, VM_pRAY. J. Eric Townsend
cs.uoregon.edu []: /incoming - *TDDD models*, /pub - *Irit solids
modeller*, *MTV ray tracer*, *RT News*, *RT bibliography*, other
raytracers (including RayShade, QRT, VM_pRAY), SPD/NFF, OFF objects,
musgrave papers, some Netlib polyhedra, Roy Hall book source code,
Hershey fonts, old FBM.
[ It was shut down -- Go to wuarchive for most of its contents -- nfotis ]
ftp.pitt.edu []: /users/qralston/images - 24 bit image archive
(small). James Ralston Crawford <qralston@gl.pitt.edu>
ftp.tc.cornell.edu []: /pub/vis - *VREND*
sunee.waterloo.edu []: /pub/raytracers - vivid, *REND386*
[or sunee.uwaterloo.ca]
archive.umich.edu []: /msdos/graphics - PC graphics stuff.
/msdos/graphics/raytrace - VIVID2.
export.lcs.mit.edu [] : /pub/R5untarred/mit/demos/gpc -
NCGA Graphics Performance Characterization (GPC) Suite.
apple.apple.com []: /pub/ArchiveVol2/prt.
research.att.com []: /netlib/graphics - *SPD package*, ~/polyhedra -
*polyhedra databases*. (If you don't have FTP, use the netlib
automatic mail replier: UUCP - research!netlib, Internet -
netlib@ornl.gov. Send one line message "send index" for more info,
"send haines from graphics" to get the SPD)
siggraph.org []: SIGGRAPH archive site. Automatic mailer is
archive-server@siggraph.org ("send index").
acs.cps.msu.edu []: pub/sass - *X window fonts converter into
Rayshade 3.0 polygons*, Rayshade animation tool(s).
Ron Sass <sass@cps.msu.edu>
ftp.cs.unc.edu []: pub/reaction_diffusion - Greg Turk's work on
reaction-diffusion textures (SIGGRAPH '91)
avs.ncsc.org []: ~ftp/VolVis92 - Volume datasets from the
Boston Workshop on Volume Visualization '92. This site is also
the International AVS Center.
Terry Myerson <tvv@ncsc.org>
uvacs.cs.virginia.edu []: pub/suit/demo/{sparc,dec,etc} -
SUIT (Simple User Interface Toolkit).
finger suit@uvacs.cs.virginia.edu
in order to get detailed instructions.
nexus.yorku.ca []: /pub/reports/Radiosity_code.tar.Z - *RAD*
/pub/reports/Radiosity_thesis.ps.Z - *RAD MSc. Thesis*
[The site will be changed to ftp.yorku.ca in the near future]
milton.u.washington.edu [] - ~ftp/public/veos - VEOS Virtual
Reality and distributed applications prototyping environment
for Unix. Veos Software Support : veos-support@hitl.washington.edu
Also, much other Virtual Reality stuff.
archive.cis.ohio-state.edu []: pub/siggraph92 - Code for
Siggraph '92 Course 23 (Procedural Modeling and Rendering Techniques)
Dr. David S. Ebert <ebert@cis.ohio-state.edu>